
This is not the best track on the Editors excellent new album – “In this Light and on this Evening”. It is still very good though.

Dashing About 

Frantic morning to date with the NMS moratorium and Manchester CDS BVT looming large. We are also inviting new Costs Drafting instructions having some spare capacity for the first time in ages. The car, puppy and Microsoft products playing up do not help. Off to get ready for the webinar now – exciting bunch of […]

Last of the File Review Claims 

It is CDS File Review claim time again. We took our first phone query of the year about this today and can confirm as follows: You can claim for file reviews undertaken between 1st October 2008 and end September 2009 via an FR1 form which need to be at your RO by 10th December.

Little Bit of Politics 

There is a discussion about the imminent reduction in central costs rates on the radio right now. The head of the Association of Motor Offence Lawyers is on and has mentioned an e-petition against the proposals. AMOLs motivation might be different to most of yours, however if you want to sign it – it is […]

Independence Day 

One of my all time favourites, Magazine, turned up on last weeks Later (albeit somewhat more rotund than in their heyday) Since then I have been listening to all sorts of stuff from that late 70s early 80s era during the morning dog walk – which is helping with my post punk weight management! Another […]

Where Have all the Matter Starts Gone? 

The assertion made in this piece that there is “no new rule which says ‘no additional new matter starts’” seems to belie our and others experience. As mentioned here certain of our clients are very much up against it and one, who has had an increase refused, has now no more matters starts left for […]

Balloon’s Up! 

Further to yesterdays consideration of things a timetable for Civil procurement, Generic CDS contracts and the BVT “Pilots” has been announced. Key dates: Mainstream Civil 8 February 2010 – 7 week window. CDS BVT Pilot 4th January 2010 – auction in March 2010 Mainstream CDS 11th January 2010 Immigration 30th November 2009 – 7 week […]

Family Funding 2010 

This story does not currently feature on the News page at the LSC site. The final document will seemingly be on the LSC site sometime in the near future. Will give it a scan and an interim view when I can.

True or False 

The speculation about the BVT Pilots continues. The most common opinion I come across, which has been given further credence last weeks developments, is that this is dead in the water. Others, including a client who attended one of the management training sessions, remain nervous about the possibility watching their firms disappear in an on-line […]

Proof Of Means 

Just done a job of work on some Fixed Fee CCA files hence the headline for this post. There is nothing more to say on the subject.