Here is the programme for November’s Friday Webinar Service
6th November
The New Family Fee Regime
The final proposals for the introduction of fixed and graduated fees for all family work have now been announced. They will be introduced alongside the 2010 Contract next year. This course is for those seeking a sneak preview of the fees, their structure and the chance to develop an early understanding of how the scheme will work.
13th November
2010 Procurement Rounds an Overview
Plans are hardening for both Civil and CDS procurement rounds next year, and a timetable has now been announced. The course will explore the links between these two bid rounds and ongoing Ministry of Justice consultations and provide guidance on the immediate preparatory action required by both civil and criminal providers.
20th November
What Every Good Supervisor Should Know
This is a re-run of our popular guide to being an effective franchise supervisor. We will cover the key SQM requirements and offer some practical hints as to help ensure compliance and profitability.
27th November
Passing a Fixed Fee Contract Compliance Audit
Firms continue to receive requests for files to be audited. Results of earlier audits are also beginning to filter through. The course will explore the key reasons for failure and offer strategies to ensure safe passage should you face this form of assessment.