There is clearly a standing Committee at the LSC “tasked”, as they so often are, with finding new ways of recouping payments made to the profession. It seems that not a day goes by without a new “exercise” being launched.
Earlier in the week it was CDSCRE today it is CLDVE.
They do a round on Mock The Week where the panel have to come up with amusing versions of such acronyms. This is however a “Crime Lower Data Validation Exercise” – or rather a trawl of potentially anomalous CDS6 claims which might turn up a bit of overpayment.
The one I am looking at involves 11 potential errors over a 2 year period for a large CDS firm. It strikes me that this is well within the likely, and acceptable, margins of error in a non-assessed, reporting system of this type. Moreover I would hazard a guess that if the firm has access to the same IT system it could easily identify underclaims of a similar value – however