Mail Chimp ( 

As well as working on changes to this site we are also updating our e-mail lists and our News and Alerts service. This mainly involves Webinar news but we also use it whenever there is an important deadline we don’t want you to miss. It is an important back stop – though obviously this site, […]


Mark and Lard, when they were on Radio 1, used to do a feature called “vague news”. Is this the LSC’s version?

Neat Little Rows 

As I said earlier in the week we unaccountably lost some posts around last weekend. I did not bother to redo them but am now having another try at putting up the wonderful Elbow’s latest single. Off to see them in a fortnights time.

Train In Vain 

No not the Friday Song, but an indication that all the time spent training on the new Family Fee Structure was not wasted. Can find nothing to link to about this on the LSC site however a client received this email yesterday (names have been removed to protect the innocent). As you are no doubt […]