
..Intentions for Future Tenders has just been published. I will read it and report back. Here we go in bullet points Civil tendering for April 2013 post LASPO contracts as early as May – yes May this year. No plans on Crime before 2015. A bid round to increase mediation service Mandatory Telephone Gateway – […]

Rhetorical Question 

We have had 2 cost appeal results, in 2 days, referred back to a new ICAs following Formal Review representations and/or Points of Principle applications. In both cases the LSC have accepted that the original adjudication was wrongly conducted. Why these results were passed to the firm without, first, this being spotted by the LSC […]

On “Stuff” 

Another busy morning filled with “stuff” which is what I do now, rarely stand alone projects, just various “stuff”. Today has included a heady mix of phone queries, writing “suggested text” for the use of clients, finalising course notes and saying thanks that I do not have to go out audit sitting. This has been […]