TLP provided out Friday Song a few weeks ago. You can now order their first single. Apparently advance sales monies are going to be spent on “harmonicas and rum” an entirely laudable project to which you will surely want to contribute.
TLP provided out Friday Song a few weeks ago. You can now order their first single. Apparently advance sales monies are going to be spent on “harmonicas and rum” an entirely laudable project to which you will surely want to contribute.
New album from JT Earle, with a nice sidestep in musical direction, which is getting heavily played on Radio SP – love the brass. I am threatening to do an Americana disco set tomorrow night and this might just have clinched it.
Our CCA cup runneth over once again with 2 hitting the door mat in the last 24 hours. Alongside that we are at the end game of another longstanding one with PoPs the next stage. On an entirely unrelated matter we successfully assisted a firm on a very strange matter largely thanks to common sense […]
This appeared as I am finalising my course notes for tomorrows webinar. It links with the theme and the general thrust of the Legal Ombudsman’s report, which generated the idea of the course int he first place. The obvious point of interest is the statement that it plans to extend into Family Law having just […]
Is currently taking place – sorry for any temporary loss of service. (Actually Jayne is outside with the aforementioned bottle of wine)* *This is not true
Why did I jinx everything yesterday with this post? False dawn – we didn’t even get to dusk. This is a week in which an LSC assessor did not understand that a Committal for Sentence, on a guilty plea, is a Cat 1 standard fee as per CBAM 3.5.7 (this section of CBAM appears to […]
This is an excellent summary of the rules governing multiple PACE standard fees and should be read, learned and kept by anyone involved in the billing of such matters. Frankly the LSC should “retweet” it too. Is off of Crimeline of course.
I did not have time to get my TLS contribution turned into handouts in time for inclusion in the delegate pack (yes rubbish I know). I therefore offered a copy to anyone who wants one. and here they are; TLS event
We finally seem to be getting some common sense on some ongoing “financial stewardship” cases. That said they sill are not playing fairly in my view – halting certain appeals and sending them back to new adjudicators when “misdirection” is obvious, but continuing with the same “misdirection” arguments, afresh on others. We have witnessed this […]
Shortly we are about to install Jayne’s new PC. This might result in a loss of service for a short while. Please bear with us. The phones are still working.