I thought about writing a reasoned response to yesterdays comments from “Stobart Law”.
This comment is the one which most have picked up on:
Howarth, whose firm says it has around 1,000 barristers, juniors and QCs on its panel, told today’s Modern Law conference that existing legal aid firms were ‘wounded animals waiting to die’.
I did a couple of quick tweets in response:
“Stobarts: Haulage dinosaur, only a green transport policy away from extinction”
“Never corner a wounded animal”
To which someone responded with:
On second thoughts perhaps a bit of ridicule is the best response.
We are not going to get their Lexcel consultancy project are we?
They will not need Lexcel. For quality control all their staff will be wearing a green jacket with “How’s My Advocating call 0800 123 4567 if it looks like your going down” on the back. Quality control at the coal face is the only way to go.
That should be you’re