Another JRS FAQ

I’ve answered the question, “Do I need to go on a Supervisor Course now?” 3 times this week.

This is clearly an issue which is troubling people. Here, therefore, is my answer to a wider audience.

There 3 ways you can meet the requirements of Section 2 of the supervisor declaration, “Generic Supervisor Requirements”.

We can discount the 3rd “I have an NVQ Level 3 in supervision” as I am yet to meet anyone who does.

That leaves two options.

The most common reply is the first – I have supervised one FTE criminal caseworker in one of the last 5 years. Supervision means any combination of the activities contained in that bit of your SQM/Lexcel Office manual; checking post, file review, case allocation, training delivery, case review sessions, having an “open door” and so on.

Alternatively you can go on a supervisor course. Now we have written, but rarely run, such a course, largely because most people get home on the experiential basis. Plus I hate delivering it. If you need to go on one of these however here is the one for you from our friends at Crimeline.

About Author: SP

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