Plus ça Change

Sorry it’s been a little quiet here recently. With nothing definitive to say on the post 2015 Criminal Contract chaos the best thing has been to keep quiet really.

That said we have had every conceivable conversation with every type of disgruntled practitioner in the last couple of weeks. Compensation claims being amongst the topics discussed. Most recently this has focused on the chaos-on-top-of-chaos concerning the next batch of duty rotas. At time of writing the panel lists are out for consideration and we are moving towards further litigation.

So as predictably as the project fell apart the end game continues with nobody satisfied with the madeupaswegoalong outcome.

This entirely predictable start-to-finish shambles seems no nearer conclusion then. Neither does there seem any likelihood of the serious accounting required to ensure that the MoJ/LAA do not repeat this fiasco again – as they are seemingly so capable of doing.

About Author: SP

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