When it is quiet here you can reasonably assume we have a whiteboard full of deadlines at HQ. This is the case right now plus we have a couple of completely off the wall jobs with similar time limits as well.
The biggest of these is a multiple archive box Contract Compliance Audit (CCA) with old school “extrapolation” as a potential outcome. As ever this starts with a shockingly high figure which, I confidently predict, will recede file-by-file as we work through them.
You have heard me rail against this approach in the past, both in general and specific, even though we’ve a couple of firms who flew through the process earlier in the year.
Why am I confident?
LAA – there is no evidence that the client is post tariff.
JRS – please see page 1 & 2 of the Parole Board dossier, this confirms that the client is many years post tariff.
This cannot be “human error”, and I have no sympathy even were it to be so, they don’t. Rather it is an all too common demonstration of incompetent auditing – did they even open the file? Worse still are the management systems and quality control that allow such results to be sent out in the first place. Demanding a 6-figure recoupment on the back of work like this (with a 5% discount for not appealing offered), now there is a name for that.