Gente Da Minha Terra 

Performance Related Pay? 

We have often speculated about the zeal with which LAA auditors undertake their work – particularly with regard to costs audits. For sometime we have joked that they have recoupment targets, even timeshare style sales bells in their offices for whenever a nil assessment is made. Finally my colleague Dean wrote an FoI request, for […]

Out of Office 

It is actually slightly later than “that time of the year again” when I disappear to Spain in the spring. I am also taking a risky trip into unchartered Portugal so will also be off a bit longer than usual. As ever my final working day has been full of emergency issues which I am […]

Green Aphrodisiac 

It is June 3rd. This should be a glorious summers afternoon and we should all be shortly heading off for alfresco drinks in our favourite outdoor space. This is not going to happen however, so here is part of the imaginary soundtrack instead.

A Tale of Two Audits 

Nowadays I am famously desk bound, sitting in my corner surrounded by archive boxes of files. Over recent weeks I have however been let out a couple of times. On the first occasion the client insisted they wanted to pay more actually to have me check their files on site. Next up it was to […]