Blast from the Past 

The most recent CCA appeal is nearly in the can having taken significantly longer than anticipated. It reminds me, and not in a good way, of the drudge of finding different ways to argue against a determination of “non-chargeable administrative letter”. Someone prophesised a return to this discredited form of assessment and true to form […]

Blast from the Past 

Reading Contract Compliance documentation also now has a distinctly retrospective feel to it. They are of course fairly few and far between nowadays, except seemingly in Immigration, and so the feelings of despair, bewilderment and anger they engender are no longer a common experience. I had thought that the practice was now pretty much a […]

Just When You Thought…. 

…it was safe to go back into the water along comes more CCA related stuff. I should not be here but now I am. Please, please, please can this be the last CCA appeal I ever have the misfortune to have to deal with.

Out With a Bang 

We have just received the result of my final Cost Committee ever. As anticipated this was a success returning a Cat 1 outcome. This will give my memories of the Contract Compliance Wars a somewhat rosier glow. The final score – we won, or rather they lost, four out of five.

Looking back . . . Cost Committees 

I have been promising a retrospective on the Cost Committee years ever since their demise in October last year, but have held off until my final hearing. This seems finally to have happened. On balance I will not miss this part of our work, despite the large majority of hearings being at least partly successful. […]

(New) LSC Induction Guide for Cost Committee Members 

Simon Pottinger writes: My final Cost Committee hearing last week was certainly a better one than the two previous and I will now look back on this era with a somewhat rosier glow. We confidently predict a Category 1CCA gradation as a result. The most interesting point relates to our long standing battle to gain […]

Your Thoughts Please 

The drinks break in yesterdays Peer Review course got diverted into a consideration of the firms QPR and CMRC reports (that’s Quality Profile Report and Contract Management Review Criteria for slackers). The only adverse statistic was a high percentage bill reduction rate on their CDS 7s. “Ah lost a couple of enhancement claims recently then”, […]

Disappointed of Teesside 

The latest “after representations” CCA result has just been notified to us. It includes a percentage reduction of the alleged over-claim of 43% and a cost saving of

Yesterday’s Programme 

This hearing ended up adjourned – conflict of interest between panel member and my clients. Sorry that should be, predictable, or easy to spot, conflict of interest had we been notified of the panel in advance – as happens elsewhere, but by no means everywhere. Never mind this is not going to happen much any […]

Here We Go Again 

As I head to what I hope will genuinely be my penultimate Cost Committee hearing we receive the first outcome of an appeal sent to an “Independent Funding Review Adjudicator”. The result is an alarming one for those who questioned this change in procedure and the loss of the right to a hearing. The first […]