Life’s a Beach 

News just in from our man on the South Coast, Andy Bean, who has been told that a number of South West based firms have been invited to take part in a Pilot Scheme for the LSC


Andy Bean writes: CIVIL/FAMILY Please note that from 1st July any Legal Help matters started will be subject to the relevant rate/fee increases of 2%, as per the April 2008 Agreement with the Law Society and MoJ following the United Contract JR Ruling last year. Hopefully you should have received the relevant updates from your […]

As Night Follows Day 

With depressing predictability the LSC follow up the Law Society’s recent adviceon CDS contract signature with a press release of their own. You will be reassured to know they seek “to reassure solicitors who are considering signing the contract”. A more substantive response to the LS concerns is to follow however there is no talk […]

Don’t Forget 

That today is the deadline for this months Online billing.

Busy Friday 

Two important items. Firstly some CLSA meeting dates for your diaries. Next a very interesting letter from friend of this site Andrew Keogh.

Fancy That 

The Legal Services Commission has just issued the following information: “We received a large volume of applications and supporting materials in response to the VHCC Panel tender. Due to this it will no longer be possible to finalise the assessments of the applications before the end of November 2007.

You Turn Your Back for Five Minutes 

Nip off to do a bit of Peer Review training and look what happens!. Do read the entire Press release (and links) however the highlights are: Moratorium on planned October changes to the CDS – PACE standard fees, VHCC panel, Litigators Fee, CDS direct etc. New 6-month Criminal contracts from January 14th 2008 (yes you […]

Diary Date 

I imagine that like most firms you are dying to get your hands on an iSuppler Portal. For a full list of the benefits this brings have a read of this. Perhaps more importantly you now have only a month and a half to get set for electronic reporting. Yes that’s right all Civil controlled […]

A Game of 90 Minutes 

You will know that as a Leeds fan my proclivity for football related blogging has taken something of a nosedive of late. Nothing over the weekend has changed this except to encourage similarly outraged fans of any allegiance to sign this petition. We are however approaching a new football season and so are days away […]

Some Important News